Health Sciences Information Technology
University At Buffalo, The State University of New York

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Selection Criteria
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Project selection criteria

The HSIT multimedia group has determined that the following main issues in project selection be considered.

Before beginning a project

1) Define the objectives of the project.  What is the instructional problem we are trying to address or improvement we are trying to make?   If none can be identified, then what change is being proposed and what are its perceived benefits?

2) Evaluate educational objectives from an instructional design perspective.   A clear set of instructional goals should be outlined and methods for evaluating the instructional success of the project described.  The HSIT instructional designer will assist faculty in this area as required.

3) Select the best strategy to meet the project objectives.   Based on the two previous analyses, is a computer based instructional method appropriate and necessary?  Are there existing software tools available which can be used to meet the objectives?  If there are but they are inadequate, why are they inadequate?  HSIT staff working with interested faculty and the TLC (formerly ETC) can build a resource list of available programs and the educational objectives these programs meet to assist in this evaluation.

4) Evaluate project's impact/scope.  Does the potential project have application beyond a single course or school?  Projects with broader impact (multi-school, large number of students, generalizable content, potential commercial value) will receive preferential prioritization over those projects which affect only a small number of students or a single instructor / single class.

bulletCourse specifics
bulletWhat course(s) will the software be used in (course name and number from course catalog)
bulletHow many students are expected to enroll in each course?
bulletIs the course regularly offered every semester?
bulletIs the course a core course required by the discipline?

5) Evaluate resources required.  What new responsibilities will be placed on the instructor and the students to use the software?  Will new skills have to be acquired by the instructor or students (if so, how will they be acquired)?   Are instructors prepared to make the necessary changes in their teaching strategies?  Does HSIT have the resources to assist in meeting these new needs?  Is there adequate infrastructure in place to deliver/use/maintain the software and provide the support required if faculty or students encounter problems with the software during a semester?

6) Evaluate project's implementation details.  How will the new software be used in the course or integrated into the larger curriculum?  How will the software be distributed/delivered to the students?  Who will support students use of the software (teach them how to access/use it, maintain it on the server, support/maintain installation on student computers if necessary, etc.)?  What alternative / backup plans are in place in the event the software becomes temporarily unavailable to the student?

Commitments and expectations

If HSIT develops software and/or materials, it is critical to the success of any project that those involved understand the commitment they must make to the project and that they have a common set of expectations concerning what it is that will be delivered and the timeframe in which that delivery will occur given the variety of projects HSIT may be working on.

7) Does the project have the full commitment of the involved faculty?  Do they and their immediate supervisors have a realistic understanding of how much time they will need to devote to the project?

8) Is the administration willing to support faculty committed to the project? The time commitment and potential value to the university may be considered similar to receiving a research grant.

9) Are there sufficient expertise and resources in HSIT to ensure that the project is implemented in a timely manner?

All set?  Go to the request page with the "requests" button in the left column.

Content last reviewed: 99/10/12

University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Health Professions Information Technology Partnership
174 Biomedical Education Building; 3435 Main Street Bldg. 22; Buffalo, NY 14214
(716) 829-3172 ; (716) 829-3456 FAX;

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